
What is Gastric Muscle Relaxation? 

Gastric muscle relaxation in Turkey is one of the newest, safest non-surgical solutions for weight loss. The gastric muscle relaxation procedure works similar to how Muscle Relaxation works in the facial area. Gastric muscle relaxation, also known as gastric botox, causes significant interruption by relaxing the muscles of the stomach. This interruption significantly reduces gastric contractions. 

This procedure reduces hunger and decreases intestinal motility. Therefore, you will feel full even after eating a small portion. This will help you not only eliminate excess weight you already have by exercising but also stop gaining more weight. 

Gastric muscle relaxation is a non-surgical procedure where the doctor injects gastric muscle relaxant without making any surgical incisions. The operation is performed through a laparoscope. 

Gastric Muscle Relaxation

Gastritis Muscle Relaxation

Gastric muscle relaxation is an easier and faster non-surgical procedure compared to other weight loss or obesity surgeries. However, this injection procedure for weight loss cannot be applied to all overweight or obese patients. To undergo gastric muscle relaxation, the patient's body mass index must be appropriate. 

Gastric Muscle Relaxation Candidates 

Gastric muscle relaxation injection is only suitable for individuals with the following conditions: 

  • Those who are overweight. 
  • Those whose body mass index is suitable for the operation. 
  • Those struggling with appetite control. 
  • Those unable to lose weight despite various diets and exercises. 
  • Those unable to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

However, this method is not recommended for patients with obesity, severe allergies, diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure. 

Gastric Botox

Pre-Operative Instructions for Gastric Muscle Relaxation 

The gastric muscle relaxation operation does not exceed 45 - 60 minutes. To avoid side effects, patients have some instructions to follow before the procedure. Some of these tips include: 

  •  Quit smoking at least two weeks to one month before the surgery. 
  • Avoid taking any medications that may affect gastric secretions, as they may cause problems during surgery. 
  • Do not eat anything at least 12 hours before the surgery. 
  • Avoid taking medications such as ibuprofen that may thin the blood. 

Inform the doctor of any digestive system disorders you may have. 

Post-Operative Instructions for Gastric Muscle Relaxation 

To achieve successful results post-surgery and support the effects of muscle relaxation, the patient must follow some guidelines. 

Stop eating and drinking until the anesthetic effect has completely worn off. Otherwise, you may unintentionally ingest an undesirable amount due to the effects of the anesthetic drug. 

Avoid carrying heavy loads or doing strenuous work for at least three days after surgery. 

Strictly adhere to the diet provided by your doctor. 

Continue exercising to burn fat and support the surgery. 

Rest for a full day after the procedure. It is expected that the patient may experience dizziness sometimes due to the effect of endoscopy and anesthesia. 

Stages of Gastric Muscle Relaxation Surgery

The doctor typically starts by spraying an anesthetic spray in the throat area. This spray prevents the patient from experiencing any vomiting during the procedure. There is no general anesthesia in this operation. The patient is conscious around the area. 

The doctor initiates the endoscopy procedure. Muscle Relaxation is found in the injection needle hanging at the end of the endoscope. 

The doctor begins to inject Muscle Relaxation into different areas of the inner walls of the stomach. The injections are placed in specific proportions, not randomly, into the stomach wall muscles. Muscle Relaxation tries to reduce stomach movement to the ratio of its normal functions. This prolongs the process of stomach emptying beyond normal. 

After applying the necessary amount of Muscle Relaxation to the designated areas, the doctor removes the endoscope from the throat. The patient can leave the hospital on the same day and return to their daily activities smoothly. 

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