
What is Sweat Prevention Injection in Bursa?

Sweat prevention injection is a medical procedure used to treat excessive sweating. Excessive sweating, medically known as "hyperhidrosis," is when individuals experience excessive sweating during normal activities. This condition can negatively impact a person's daily life and lead to psychological issues such as social anxiety. Sweat prevention injection is used specifically to alleviate or eliminate excessive sweating, particularly in areas such as the armpits, palms, and soles of the feet.

During the procedure, an inhibitory substance is injected using a fine needle into specific areas. These injections are typically applied directly to the sweat glands in the targeted areas. The procedure is quick and usually painless. However, injections in sensitive areas may cause mild discomfort for some individuals.

Sweat prevention injection is generally an effective and safe procedure. Following the procedure, the activity of sweat glands typically decreases within a few days, resulting in a significant reduction in sweating. This effect may last for several months but can vary from person to person.

Sweat prevention injection can be an important solution for individuals experiencing excessive sweating. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing sweat prevention injection. A specialist can assess the individual's condition and determine the appropriate treatment plan, providing guidance throughout the process.

Terleme Önleyici Enjeksiyon

When is Sweat Prevention Injection Performed?

Sweat prevention injection may be used to reduce or control sweating in individuals experiencing excessive sweating. Excessive sweating is a condition severe and persistent enough to negatively impact a person's daily life. Therefore, sweat prevention injection may be preferred in various situations:

Underarm Sweating: Excessive sweating in the underarm area can cause discomfort, especially in social interactions and personal grooming. Sweat prevention injection is often preferred to reduce underarm sweating.

Palm Sweating: Excessive sweating in the palms can be bothersome during daily interactions such as handshakes and can affect functionality. Sweat prevention injection can help reduce palm sweating, making daily life easier.

Foot Sweating: Excessive sweating on the soles of the feet can increase slipping in shoes and lead to foot odor. Sweat prevention injection can reduce sweating on the soles of the feet, preventing such discomforts.

Facial Sweating: Some individuals may experience excessive sweating in the facial area, particularly on the forehead, cheeks, or upper lip. Sweat prevention injection can help control sweating in these areas.

Sweating Associated with Health Issues: Certain health conditions, such as hormonal imbalances or thyroid problems, can cause excessive sweating. Sweat prevention injection can be used to alleviate sweating associated with such health problems.

For Personal Comfort: Some individuals may prefer sweat prevention injection to make their daily lives more comfortable and to feel more confident in social interactions.

Generally, sweat prevention injection may be considered when excessive sweating negatively impacts quality of life and other treatment options are ineffective. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing sweat prevention injection. A specialist can assess the individual's sweating problem and treatment goals to determine which areas require sweat prevention injection.

Terleme Önleyici Enjeksiyon

How is Sweat Prevention Injection Administered?

Sweat prevention injection is administered by injecting an inhibitory substance into specific areas. During the procedure, the inhibitory substance is injected into the targeted areas using a fine needle. The procedure is typically performed in clinical settings by experienced healthcare professionals and is usually quick and relatively painless.

Prior to the procedure, the patient's sweating problem and treatment goals are evaluated. The areas experiencing sweating problems are identified, and injection points are determined. These points are determined based on the areas where sweat glands are located and the severity of sweating.

During the procedure, the inhibitory substance is injected into the identified injection points. The injections are usually applied directly to the sweat glands in the targeted area. Due to the thinness of the needle, there is typically minimal discomfort during the procedure. However, in more sensitive areas or for individuals with a low pain threshold, there may be a slight burning or stinging sensation.

After the procedure, patients can usually return to their normal daily activities immediately. However, certain instructions should be followed during the post-procedure period. These may include avoiding massaging the injection areas, refraining from strenuous exercise, and keeping the injection areas clean and dry for 24 hours.

Following sweat prevention injection, sweating typically decreases within a few days, with

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