
Confidentiality Agreement

In order to carry out the activities of the Healthcare Organization and/or due to its activities, all confidential personal, commercial, financial, legal and technical information (including but not limited to) personal, commercial, financial, legal and technical information related to the services to be performed and/or products to be supplied by the Service Provider (hereinafter referred to as "Business") and all kinds of information and documents obtained due to healthcare service delivery (hereinafter referred to as "Information") in printed, verbal, visual and/or electronic media to the Service Provider.

The following rules shall be complied with regarding the information given / to be given by the Healthcare Organization to the Service Provider:

  1. Within the framework of this contract, all information disclosed / disclosed by the Healthcare Organization to the Service Provider (including but not limited to those listed) in written, verbal, printed, visual or electronic media is confidential information.
  2. All information obtained through correspondence between the parties by letter, fax, electronic mail, digital data transfer, etc., correspondence and / or submissions and / or negotiations by any means are confidential.
  3. The Service Provider is obliged to ensure that this information is kept as confidential information, that its confidentiality is strictly protected and that it is not processed in any other way unless otherwise requested in writing by the Healthcare Organization, that it is not disclosed to third parties in any way, and that it is not shared with third parties in any form or method for any purpose whatsoever, including monetary or non-monetary benefits, in return or gratuitously.
  4. The Service Provider may only provide the information to its employees, sub-employees and other persons working under it in cases of necessity due to the execution of the business and as required by its business, but it takes all necessary measures to ensure that these persons comply with the obligation undertaken with this Agreement regarding the confidentiality and limited processing of information and establishes written procedures within this framework; It accepts and undertakes in advance that these persons will not act contrary to the obligations of this contract and that if they act in such a way, it will be jointly and severally liable together with the person and / or institution committing the violation.
  5. The Service Provider agrees and undertakes to show the same care in protecting the Healthcare Organization's information as it shows in protecting its own confidential information, provided that it is not less than the standards for the protection of health data.
  6. The Service Provider shall use the information only for the finalization of the work undertaken, and shall not use or disclose it for any purpose other than this purpose.
  7. The Service Provider shall immediately (and in any case within 3 days at the latest) return the originals, copies and summaries of the written information disclosed to it directly or indirectly, all written transcripts and notes of the information disclosed verbally, all copies of the information stored electronically, and all documents containing records within this framework, to the Healthcare Organization immediately upon the written request of the Healthcare Organization (and in any case within 3 days at the latest) or destroy / delete from its records upon the written instruction of the Healthcare Organization. The responsibility for the failure to fulfill the obligation of the Service Provider due to this instruction belongs to the Healthcare Organization.
  8. The Service Provider shall indemnify any damages that the Healthcare Organization may incur directly or indirectly or in the future due to the breach of the confidentiality obligation regulated in this contract.
  9. When the Service Provider is aware that the information is disclosed in violation of this agreement, it is obliged to notify the Healthcare Organization immediately and in writing.
  10. Additional security measures determined by the Personal Data Protection Board for the protection of health data and other special quality personal data shared by the Healthcare Organization within the scope of the Agreement are fulfilled by the Service Provider.
  11. This agreement shall remain in force as long as the business relationship within the scope of the Business continues and the obligation of the Service Provider regarding the confidentiality of the information shall continue indefinitely after the termination of the relationship between the Parties.
  12. Failure to allege or waive a breach of a provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of a subsequent breach nor affect the validity of the breached provision. Failure to allege a breach of a provision of this agreement (unless there is an express written waiver) shall not prevent the relevant party from subsequently exercising its rights arising from this agreement and the law.
  13. The parties shall notify the other party in writing by registered letter with return receipt requested within 3 (three) business days of any changes that may occur in the notification addresses specified above. Until this notification is made, all notifications will be made to the last specified notification address of the relevant party and will have the effect of a valid notification even if the notification has not reached the party in question.

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