

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Bursa
  2. What are Butt Implants
  3. What is Fat Injection (Fat Transfer)
  4. Butt Lift in Bursa
  5. Butt Shaping and Fillers
  6. Pre-Surgery Preparation in Bursa
  7. Post-Surgery Care and Recovery
  8. Post-Procedure Complications and Risks
  9. Expected Results and Permanence

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Bursa

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure used in buttock aesthetics. This method aims to increase the volume and improve the shape of the buttocks by injecting fat taken from the patient's own body into the buttock area. The procedure usually consists of three main steps:

First, fat is taken from designated areas using liposuction. This fat can be taken from areas like the abdomen, waist, or thighs. Then, this fat is processed and prepared through special procedures. Finally, the cleaned fat is injected into the buttock area. Injections are strategically placed at different points of the buttocks to achieve a fuller and more aesthetic appearance.

The advantages of BBL include natural results, improvement in body shape, and the long-term permanence of results. However, like any surgical intervention, the BBL procedure also carries potential risks. These risks include infection, bleeding, and fat embolism. It is important to carefully follow your surgeon's instructions before and after the surgery.

What are Butt Implants

Butt implants are a method used for buttock aesthetics. In this procedure, implants are placed in the buttock area to increase volume and achieve a fuller appearance. The implants are usually made of silicone or similar materials and are placed under the buttock tissue through surgery.

The butt implant operation generally includes the following steps:

Patient Evaluation: During your consultation and evaluation with your surgeon, your desires and medical history are assessed. A physical examination is conducted to determine if butt implants are suitable for you. Surgery Planning: Before the surgery, the size, shape, and location of the implant are determined. These decisions are made based on personal preferences as well as your body structure and aesthetic goals. Surgery: The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon places the implants under the buttock tissue through a predetermined incision. The implants are strategically positioned to improve the shape and volume of the buttocks as desired. Recovery Process: The first few days after surgery, the patient may be kept under observation in the hospital or clinic. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal in the postoperative period. Following your surgeon’s recommended instructions is important to speed up the recovery process. The advantages of butt implants include quick results, permanent volume increase, and minimal scarring after the operation. However, it is important to evaluate potential risks (such as infection, implant displacement) and long-term results related to implant placement. Therefore, individuals considering butt implants should be thoroughly informed before surgery and carefully follow their surgeon's instructions.

What is Fat Injection (Fat Transfer)

Fat injection or fat transfer is a frequently used technique for buttock aesthetics. In this method, fat tissue taken from the patient's own body, usually from the abdomen, waist, or thigh, is extracted through liposuction. The harvested fat tissue is processed and then injected into the buttock area.

Reasons for preferring fat injection in buttock aesthetics include providing a natural look and offering long-lasting results. Because the person's own fat is used, it is generally well tolerated by the body and can remain for a long term. This method also offers an additional advantage in improving body shape by removing fat tissue through liposuction.

Before the surgery, a detailed plan is made by the surgeon based on the patient's body structure and aesthetic goals. During the surgery, the amount of fat to be injected, its distribution, and the shaping of the buttocks to achieve the desired outcome are strategically determined. The surgeon works meticulously to ensure symmetry in the injections and to obtain a natural appearance.

The recovery process after surgery can typically last a few weeks, during which the patient may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the buttock area. Following your surgeon's recommendations is important to speed up the recovery process and minimize unwanted results.

However, the fat injection method also carries some risks. These include infection, the fat cells not surviving, and in rare cases, fat embolism. Therefore, a detailed evaluation should be made before surgery, and careful follow-up should be ensured after surgery.

In conclusion, fat injection can be an effective option for buttock aesthetics, but it is important to have a detailed consultation with an expert surgeon to determine if it is suitable for each patient.

Butt Lift in Bursa

A butt lift surgery is a surgical procedure to correct sagging or irregularities in the buttock area. This surgery is usually preferred to correct looseness in the skin and tissue of the buttocks caused by aging, genetic factors, or sudden weight changes. There are two main methods:

Traditional Butt Lift: In this method, the buttock skin and underlying tissues are reshaped. Excess skin can be surgically removed, and the buttocks can be lifted to achieve a more aesthetic appearance. Gluteal (Buttock) Enhancement: In this technique, the volume of the buttocks can be increased and the shape improved by transferring fat or injecting fillers into the buttock area. Butt Lift Surgery Steps Patient Evaluation and Planning

Before the surgery, your desires are assessed through a detailed consultation and physical examination with your surgeon. How the surgery will be performed, which techniques will be used, and your expectations are determined.

Surgery Process

Anesthesia: It is usually performed under general anesthesia, so the patient sleeps during the surgery and does not feel any pain or discomfort. Incisions: Surgical incisions are made in the determined areas. These incisions are usually hidden in the buttock folds or under the bikini line. Surgical Procedure: The buttock skin is lifted, the underlying tissues are reshaped, and excess skin is removed if necessary. Stitches and Recovery: After the surgery, stitches are applied, and the buttock area is bandaged. It is important to carefully follow your surgeon's recommendations during the recovery process. Advantages and Disadvantages


  • It corrects sagging and irregularities in the buttock area, providing a tighter appearance.
  • Long-lasting results can be achieved after the surgery.
  • It can be planned specifically for the individual to achieve the desired aesthetic appearance.


  • Like any surgical intervention, it may contain potential risks and complications.
  • The recovery process after surgery may require a certain period of activity restrictions.

Butt lift surgery is a suitable option for individuals with aesthetic concerns in the buttock area and a healthy body structure. However, it is important to conduct a detailed evaluation before surgery and make a decision by considering your surgeon's recommendations.

Butt Shaping and Fillers

Butt shaping and filler methods refer to various techniques popular in buttock aesthetics. These techniques are usually used to increase the volume of the buttock area, improve its shape, or tighten it.

Fat Transfer or Fat Injection

In this method, fat taken from the patient's own body is processed and injected into the buttock area. This method provides natural fullness to the buttocks while also offering slimming benefits by removing fat from other body parts.

Butt Implants

Butt implants are applied by placing specially designed implants made of silicone or similar materials in the buttock area. These implants significantly improve the shape and volume of the buttocks, providing an aesthetic appearance.

Butt Lifts or Threads

In these methods, specially designed lifts or threads are placed into the buttock tissue and used to lift the buttock area by tightening it.

Butt Fillers

Butt fillers provide temporary fullness by injecting fillers made of hyaluronic acid or similar substances into the buttock area. This method is a less invasive option and improves the shape of the buttocks by filling unwanted gaps.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important to have a detailed consultation with your surgeon to determine which method is appropriate and create a treatment plan suitable for you.

Pre-Surgery Preparation in Bursa

Doctor Consultation and Evaluation

Have a detailed consultation with your surgeon to discuss the details of the surgery, your expectations, and possible risks. Your surgeon will evaluate your medical history to determine if the surgery is suitable for you.

Health Condition Evaluation

Preoperative health checks such as blood tests and ECGs may be conducted. In some cases, patients who smoke may be asked to quit smoking before surgery.

Medications and Nutrition

Discuss your current medications and supplements with your surgeon to adjust them if necessary. Blood-thinning medications are usually restricted in the preoperative period.

Pre-Surgery Instructions

Follow the specific instructions given by your surgeon. These may include the types of food and drink that can be consumed before surgery and restrictions on smoking and alcohol consumption until the day of surgery.

Post-Surgery Planning

Make preparations to facilitate the post-surgery recovery process. If you have work, take leave, complete arrangements at home, and ensure that you have a support person with you.

Psychological Preparation

It is normal to have concerns before a surgical procedure. To ease this process, you may seek psychological support or ask your surgeon any questions you may have.

Surgery Day Preparation

Follow your surgeon’s instructions precisely on the day of surgery. Arrive at the hospital at the requested time and have your final preoperative checks done.

The pre-surgery preparation process is crucial for both the success of the surgery and the patient's health. It is essential to carefully follow your surgeon's recommendations and timely share any concerns or questions you may have to ensure a safer and more successful pre-surgery process.

Post-Surgery Care and Recovery

Hospital Observation Period

The first few days after surgery, you are usually kept under observation in the hospital or clinic. This period is important for monitoring your overall health condition and the initial healing process.

Early Recovery Period

Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common in the early days after surgery. It is crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions during this period and limit physical activities. Proper rest and care contribute to a faster and healthier recovery process.

Medication Use

It is important to use the medications prescribed by your surgeon regularly. These medications usually include painkillers and antibiotics to prevent infection.

Bandages and Garments

After surgery, bandages and special garments are applied to the buttock area to reduce swelling and support healing. Following your surgeon's instructions on the use and care of these garments is important.

Activity Restrictions

For a certain period after surgery, physical activities should be restricted. Avoid activities that require excessive physical effort, such as heavy lifting, strenuous exercises, and long walks. It is important to follow your surgeon's recommendations during this period.

Follow-Up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor the healing process and evaluate the results. During these appointments, your surgeon will check the healing of your surgical incisions and overall health.

Potential Complications

During the recovery process, you should be alert to potential complications and risks. These include signs of infection, bleeding, abnormal swelling, and pain. Contact your surgeon immediately if you encounter any of these issues.

Long-Term Care

In the long term, following a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and regular exercise is important to maintain the results of the surgery. Additionally, using skin care products and sun protection may contribute to maintaining the quality and appearance of the buttock skin.

In conclusion, the post-surgery care and recovery process is crucial for the success of the surgery and your health. Following your surgeon's instructions and taking the necessary steps for the recovery process contribute to achieving the best results.

Post-Procedure Complications and Risks

Infection and Inflammation

Infection is one of the potential risks after surgery. Signs of infection include redness, swelling, fever, and increased pain. In case of any signs of infection, contact your surgeon immediately.

Bleeding and Hematoma Formation

After surgery, some bleeding and bruising are normal. However, excessive bleeding or hematoma formation may require medical intervention. Therefore, it is important to monitor the surgical area and follow your surgeon's instructions.


Surgical incisions may leave permanent scars on the skin. However, these scars usually become less noticeable over time and heal. Using proper skin care products and following your surgeon's instructions may help minimize scars.

Anesthesia Complications

Anesthesia is used during surgery and usually does not cause any issues. However, some people may experience nausea, dizziness, or other side effects after anesthesia. These conditions usually improve over time.

Fat Embolism and Related Risks

Fat embolism is a rare but serious risk that can occur when fat cells enter the bloodstream. This can cause respiratory problems and other severe complications. It is important to be aware of the symptoms of fat embolism and contact your surgeon immediately if you notice any unusual signs.

Asymmetry and Shape Issues

Achieving the desired shape after surgery may sometimes be difficult, and asymmetry or shape problems may occur. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are important for evaluating the results and addressing any issues.

Allergic Reactions

In rare cases, an allergic reaction to anesthesia or other medications may occur during or after surgery. It is important to discuss any known allergies with your surgeon before surgery.

General Health Risks

In addition to the specific risks of surgery, general health risks should also be considered. Factors such as overall health condition, lifestyle, and following pre-and post-surgery instructions affect the success and safety of the surgery.

Expected Results and Permanence

Expected Results

The results of buttock aesthetics usually begin to appear in the first few weeks after surgery. Swelling and bruising will gradually decrease, revealing the shape and fullness of the buttocks. The results may vary from person to person, and full recovery can take several months.

Longevity of Results

The longevity of the results depends on the surgical technique and the patient's lifestyle. For example, fat injection provides natural and long-lasting results, while butt implants require more maintenance. Following your surgeon's recommendations and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are important for preserving the results of the surgery.

Regular Follow-Up

After surgery, regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are important to evaluate the results and monitor any potential issues. During these appointments, your surgeon will check the healing process and overall health.

Healthy Lifestyle and Care

Following a healthy lifestyle is important for the longevity of the surgery results. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and using proper skin care products contribute to maintaining the quality and appearance of the buttock area.

Psychological and Social Effects

The psychological and social effects of buttock aesthetics can also be significant. Feeling more confident and better about your appearance after surgery can positively impact your overall well-being.

In conclusion, the expected results and permanence of buttock aesthetics depend on the surgical technique, the patient's lifestyle, and postoperative care. It is important to have realistic expectations, follow your surgeon's recommendations, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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